
December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next YURIWIN TABLET Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: YURIWIN tablet is beneficial for urinary, urethritis, pyelonephritis, lithiasis and others. Other specifications YURIWIN tablets have diuretic activity and help in flushing out harmful toxins and pathogens. It relieves from urinary tract infection & inflammations. By taking this, you will have healthy Kidney,Liver and Heart The tablet […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next VIGORAJ TABLET Description विवरण Description विवरण विगोराज टेबलेट विशेषः      यह टेबलेट धातुवृद्धि और पुष्टि के लिये अति उपयोगी है। यह कामोत्तेजक है। क्षीर्ण वीर्य , नष्ट वीर्य, खंज वात से पीडित मानवों के लिये अमृत रूप है। अर्थात जिसके वीर्य में शुक्राणु नहीं है उनमें यह अत्यन्त उपयोगी है। जिसके शुक्राणु कमजोर […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next VATRAJ GOLD TABLET Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: VATRAJ Gold tablet is beneficial for different disease like Rheumatism, Arthralgia, Colic, exemplary, and others. VATRAJ tablet is prepared from the medicines that regulate digestion, Dyspepsia, aerating, syndrome, diuretics, Chemical Synergic and metal nutrient deed. Other goodness of gold The Vatraj Gold provides permanent health benefits […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next VATRAJ TABLET Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: VATRAJ tablet is beneficial in diseases like rheumatism, rheumatism, colic, exemplary, etc. VATRAJ tablet is prepared from the medicines that regulate digestion, Dyspepsia, aerating, syndrome, diuretics, Chemical Synergic and metal nutrient deed. Other benefits of VATRAJ tablet This medicine provides permanent health benefits in diseases like Warts, […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next THYOVIN TABLET Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next SKINORAJ TABLET Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: SKINORAJ tablet cures blood disorders, gall disorders, acne, nails, skin diseases, leprosy and obstruction. What’s more in SKINORAJ? SKINOROJ tablet is a 100% ayurvedic supplement made from Manjishtha, Punarnava, Amalaki, Bhumi Amala, Bawachi, Kanchnar, Giloy, Haritaki, Chirayata, Neem, Gulab, Sonageru, Ras Manikya, Gandhak RAsayan and Anantmool along […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next SHIVALEX TABLET Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: SHIVALEX tablet cures purgative, and digestive. It cures , jaundice, cough and constipation. Other specifications Enriched with potent Ayurvedic herbs namely Haritaki, Saunth, Sania, Nishoth  this tablet is good for the digestive system, and gets instant relief from digestion issues like acidity and bloating. It promotes a […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next SHAKTIDA TABLET Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: SHAKTIDA tablet is digestive, immunity booster, functional, aerating. Other benefits This tablet is digestive, strength & power, intellect and memory enhancer. Ashwagandha and Giloy mixed in this regulate the body’s defense mechanism (immunity) by activating immune cells like lymphocytes and macrophages. Herbs like Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, Shatavari […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next SARPA PLUS TABLET Description विवरण Description RIGHTS SARPA PLUS Tablet helps to control High blood pressure, mental stress, and relieves insomnia, Look what’s more in SARPA Plus tablet? SARPA Plus tablet reduces chances of hypertension due to genes and high  alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, headaches, and shortness of breath or nosebleeds, Dizziness […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next RAKTARAJ TABLET Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: RAKTARAJ tablet is blood growth (Haemoglobin), digester, and immunity booster.  It cures delusion, anaemia, heart diseases, leprosy, and jaundice. Other specifications Low hemoglobin leads to anemia, which causes symptoms like fatigue and shortness of breath; hence the consumption of RAKTARAJ tablet is useful. In the absence of […]