
December 24, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next MEDOWIN SYRUP Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: MEDOWIN syrup reduces unnecessary fat in the body and other related issues. What’s more in MEDOWIN? Normalizes excess fat in the body diseases caused by growth of fat get removed automatically in MEDOWIN syrup. Why you should take it? Due to the deformity of the secretory glands […]

December 24, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next MEDHATONE SYRUP Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: MEDHATONE SYRUP is a giver of health, intelligence, memory, patience, strength, radiance and mental peace. For students and old people, pronunciation is a purifying intellect and memory enhancer. And it is beneficial in feminism. What’s more in MEDHATONE syrup?   Human beings have many mental ailments in […]

December 23, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next LIVRAJ SYRUP Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: LIVRAJ  Syrup cures for hepatic spleen enlargement, chronic fever, worm, anaemia, jaundice, inflammation,  and others. Other specifications LIVRAJ  Syrup helps curing, chronic fever, anaemia, pains the belly, Nausea & vomiting, and   problems. This syrup is beneficial for liver problems, such as hepatitis B or hepatitis C, cirrhosis, […]

December 23, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next KESHRAJ SYRUP Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: KESHRAJ Syrup cures anti-alopecia, alopecia, and memory loss, antipyretic and keeps hair black and is useful in making long hair. Other specifications: KESHRAJ Syrup is a boon for bald and white hair. KESHRAJ hair care juice is enriched with some natural and Aurvedic herbs- Amalaki, Vibhitak, Haritaki, […]

December 23, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next JWARRAJ SYRUP Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: JWARRAJ syrup cures all fever especially malaria, anaemia, jaundice, inflammation, abdomen, curative and hepatic spleen disorder. What’s more in JWARRAJ syrup? Like JWARRAJ tablet, it is useful in all types of fever. JWARRAJ syrup is indicated in the fever caused by several female reproductive system diseases such […]

December 23, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next GAYANARAJ SYRUP Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: GAYANA RAJ Syrup cures Blennenteria, haemorrhage, uterine disorder, bile disorder, Delusional disorder, and amputation. It is quite beneficial in pregnancy and Irregularity of mental discharge. Other specialities It is extremely beneficial in latent and serious diseases of women and white leucorrhoea, blood leucorrhoea, cervicitis, mental discharge, irregularity, […]

December 23, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next COUGHRAJ SYRUP Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: COUGHRAJ syrup cures cough, breathing, catarrh. COUGHRAJ contributed in other diseases It removes normal cough, whooping cough, Hooping cough, and asthmatic cough. Herbs in COUGHRAJ syrups helps to relief nasal congestion, dry cough, throat irritation, and improve your respiratory health. It’s highly effective herb “pippali” treats cough, […]

December 23, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next ACIRAJ SYRUP Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: Acidity, colic, burning sensation of chest and stomach, vomiting and colic are anti-inflammatory. Other Specifications ACIRAJ SYRUP is specifically an anta-acid. This tablet cures for basic issues such as thoracic area, agitation or irritation, flatulence & non-ulcer dyspepsia, vomiting, as well as provides instant relief for acidity […]