
December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next ARSHKUTHAR RAS Description विवरण Description Pharmacology  : Vasoprotective, anti- inflammatory and astringent Indications     :  Recommended in bleeding and non- bleeding piles Dosage         :  1 to 2 tablet ( 250 to 500 mg) to be taken in the morning and evening with buttermilk or as directed by the physician Packing      […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next AROGYAVARDHANI VATI Description विवरण Description Pharmacology: Blood Purifier, antimicrobial, digestive, carminative antipyretic ,  haematinic and cardiac tonic Indications       :  ‘Pitta vikar’ like skin diseases, fever and blood disorders like jaundice and anaemia. It is also useful in loss of appetite Dosage           :  1 to 3 tablets […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

AAMAVATARI RAS Description विवरण Description Pharmacology      :  Anti – inflammtory , antioxidant and antirheumatic Indications      : Useful in arthritis . Useful in pain and swelling  over joints.The formulation  contains ingredients with ampachak and virechak properties by virtue of which it metabolises “ ama” the causative factor of arthritis and enhances therapeutic […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next AGNITUNDI VATI Description विवरण Description Pharmacology   :Appetite  stimulant, astringent, carminative and digestive Indications                  :   Loss of appetite . It relieves abdominal colic , loss of taste, indigestion flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery , intestinal worms and fever. Dosage                       :   […]