
December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next KAMDUDHA RAS Description विवरण Description Pharmacology     : Antacid, styptic and antipyretic Indications           : Recommended  in hyperacidity ,burning feel syndrome, burning micturition, stomatitis,  leucorrhoea and headache associated with fever Dosage              : 1 to 1½ tablets (250 to 375 mg) in the morning and evening with honey or as […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next GARBHAPAL RAS Description विवरण Description Pharmacology      : Stomachache and alterative Indications        :  Recommended in habitual abortion , miscarriage , usage of garbhpal ras and ensures better nourishment of foetus  Dosage              :     1 to 3 tablets ( 125 to 375mg) to be taken in the morning and evening with […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next GANDHAK RASAYAN Description विवरण Description Pharmacology    :  Laxative and alterative Indications          :  Skin diseases like ringworm, scabies, itching and other fungal infections Dosage                 :    2 to 3 tablets (500 to 750 mg) to be taken in the morning and evening with […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next EKANGVEER RAS Description विवरण Description Pharmacology     :   Tonic Indications           :  Recommended in paralysis , bell’s palsy, hemiplegia brachial palsy and sciatica Dosage                  :  1 tablet (125 mg) be taken the morning and evening with Dashmul kwath or maharasnadi  kwath or […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

KAFANTAK RAS Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next CHITRAKADI VATI Description विवरण Description Pharmacology  :  Stomachic, antacid and carminative Indications        :   Indigestion, lack of appetite, acidic eructations, gas and griping pain in the abdomen. Dosage             :  1 to 4 tablets ( 250 mg to 1 g) in the morning and evening or as directed […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next CHANDRAMRIT RAS Description विवरण Description Pharmacology  :  Expectorant and antispasmodic Indications        :  Recommended chronic cough and other respiratory ailments such as rajayakshma Dosage               :  1 to 2 tablets ( 250 to 500mg) to be taken in the morning and evening or as directed by the physician […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next CHANDRAKALA RAS Description विवरण Description Pharmacology    : Sedative, antispasmodic and antacid Indications          : Recommended dysuria , burning sensation during urination, burning sensation on palms and feet. Also useful in menorrhagia and haematemesis Dosage                :  1 to 2 tablet ( 125 to 250 […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next CHANDRAPRABHA VATI Description विवरण Description Pharmacology:  Digestive, diuretic, antacid , laxative , diaphoretic, haematinic and antimicrobial Indications :  Excessive Urination, burning sensation  during urination and retention of urine associated with abdominal pain, renalcalculi anaemia, jaundice, cough and skin diseases Dosage       :   1 to 1½ tablets(375 to 550mg) to be taken in the morning and evening with […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next BRAHMI VATI Description विवरण Description Indications  :  It is indicated in weak memory, Dementia. It is also vitalizes the human heart & brain. Dosage       :   1/2 to 1 tablet (125-250 mg) to be taken in the morning and evening with honey or as directed by the physician Packing     :    40,500 […]