
December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next YOGRAJ GUGGULU Description विवरण Description Pharmacology   :  Anti- arthritic, carminative and tonic Indications         :  Recommended in nervous disorders , chronic infection, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, intestinal worms , chronic and non- healing ulcers, spleen enlargement , benign tumor and piles Dosage              : 1 to 3 tablets […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next TRIFALA GUGGULU Description विवरण Description Pharmacology   :  Anti – inflammatory Indications          :  Piles, fistula and other inflammatory conditions Dosage             :  1-3 tablets  ( 375mg to 1.1 g) in  the  morning  and evening or as directed by the physician Packing              […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next TRAYODASHANG GUGGULU Description विवरण Description Indications      : Sciatica, spondylitis and arthritis Dosage             : ½  to 1 tablets ( 187 to 375mg) in the morning and evening with milk or as directed by the physician Diet                   :  Light and easily digestible food Packing  […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next SINHANAD GUGGULU Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

SAPTAVISHANTI GUGGULU Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

RASNADI GUGGULU Description विवरण Description Pharmacology      :  Bitter tonic, aperients and anti – inflammatory. Useful in vataj diseases & rheumatism Indications      :  Excellent remedy for chronic vat diseases and is effective in joint pain Dosage                 :  1 to 2 tablets ,  twice a day with […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

PUNARNAVADI GUGGULU Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

PANCHTIKT GHRIT GUGGULU Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next PANCHAMRIT LOUH GUGGULU Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next MEDOHAR GUGGULU Description विवरण Description विवरण