
December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next FAT AND ACTIVE GRANULES Description विवरण Description विवरण फेट एण्ड एक्टिव ग्रेन्युअल्स रोगाधिकारः    स्थौल्य, यकृतविका , पांडू, चर्म विकार नाशक है। विशेषः    शरीर में आवश्यकता से अधिक मेद को सामान्य करता है। मेदोवृद्धि से होने वाले रोग फेट एण्ड एक्टिव में स्वतः ही नष्ट हो जाते है। अन्तःस्त्रावी ग्रन्थियों (हारमोन्स) के […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

ORTHORAJ GRANULES Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: ORTHORAJ GRANULES is beneficial in joint pain, back-ache and others. What’s more in ORTHORAJ GRANULES? It supports joint flexibility and mobility and reduces inflammation. Many ayurvedic ingredients made in it are helpful in improving bone density, bone strength. ORTHORAJ GRANULES aims to reduce pain and inflammation and preserve joint […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next MADANRAJ GRANULES Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: MADANRAJ GRANULES is beneficial for overall Sexual Wellness. Benefits  The ingredient Shatavari promotes health by uplifting the mood, reducing anxiety, improving energy levels and boosts your stamina. It also helps improve libido and improves strength, vigour and vitality.  Why adults should use it? Premature ejaculation is one […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next DIABRAJ GRANULES Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: DAIBRAJ granules cures diabetes, diabetes mellitus. Benefits The amount of sugar in diabetes is reduced quickly by the consumption of this tablet. Combination of Nagabhasma and Shilajit  effective in controlling blood glucose levels and improves the lipid profile. It purifies the blood and helps in warding off […]