
December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next CHALMOGRA TAIL Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next SKINORAJ TAIL Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next SHADBINDU TAIL Description विवरण Description Pharmacology   : Analgesic and decongestant Indications         : Useful in sinusitis, catarrh, headache, hemicranias, premature greying of hair and hair fall Dosage               :  To be used as nasal drops (3 drops in each nostril) Packing              :  […]

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next PANCHGUN TAIL Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next NEEM TAIL Description विवरण Description Pharmacology      : Protects skin from anti- ageing , repairs skin cells and reinstalls elasticity Indications            : Skin diseases such as eczema psoriasis, urticaria, dermatitis, acne , nail fungus, ring worm, athlete’s foot, dandruff,cuts & wounds and skin itchiness Dosage        […]

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next MAHAVISHGARBH TAIL Description विवरण Description Pharmacology  : Anodyne, sedative and antirheumatic Indications        :  Relives muscular pain, useful in hemicrania, earache , sciatica, ear inflammation , paraplegia, neuralgia, lumbago, gout. Parkinson’s disease and rheumatism Dosage              : As directed by the physician Caution        […]

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

MAHANARAYAN TAIL​ Description विवरण Description Pharmacology    :  Demulcent and emollient Indications          :  As a message oil in rheumatic pain, paralysis, tremors in hands and legs backache, neck stiffness , lockjaw, headache, gout , dry pleurisy and joint pain. Dosage                :  As directed by the physician […]

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next MAHAMARICHYADI TAIL Description विवरण Description Pharmacology   :  Antibiotic, fungicide and antiseptic Indications         :  Recommended in ring worm and other fungal infections. Also recommended in scabies , leucoderma, pruitus, psoriasis and various forms of leprosy Dosage              :   As directed by the physician Caution      […]

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next MAHABHRINGRAJ TAIL Description विवरण Description विवरण  

December 27, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next KUMKUMADI TAIL Description विवरण Description विवरण