
December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next UDERRAJ CHURNA Description विवरण Description उदरराज चूर्ण रोगाधिकार:     यह चूर्ण दीपन, पाचन, वातानुलोमक एवं विबंध नाशक है। विशेष:    यह चूर्ण उदर के समस्त रोगों के विशेषकर आध्मान, अजीर्ण शूल ;ळंेजतपब ज्तवनइसम द्ध, विबन्ध ,अग्निमांद्य, अर्श, हिचकी नाशक है। मिथ्याहार विहार से उदर में , कम परिश्रम करने वाले एवं 50 वर्ष […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next SHIVALEX CHURNA Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: SHIVALEX churna cures purgative, and digestive. It cures , jaundice, cough and constipation. Other specifications Enriched with potent Ayurvedic herbs namely Haritaki, Saunth, Sania, Nishoth  this tablet is good for the digestive system, and gets instant relief from digestion issues like acidity and bloating. It promotes a […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next BIJORARAJ CHURNA Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: This churna is emollient and carminative. What’s more in this pow churna? This churna is very tasty and soothing.Indigestion, loss of desire,  loss of apetite are the main symptoms of Premonitory fever, but if you consume BIJORARAJ powder continuously then your health will definitely improve. The conditions […]

December 25, 2021 0 Comments

Previous Next AMLARAJ CHURNA Description विवरण Description RIGHTS: AMLARAJ CHURNA cures acidity, Chest and stomach burning sensation, vomiting and colic and others. Other specializations AMALRAJ CHURNA especially cures acidity. This churna cures basic issues such as thoracic area, agitation or irritation, flatulence & non-ulcer dyspepsia, vomiting, as well as provides instant relief for acidity indigestion […]