
December 26, 2021 0 Comments

SHANKH BHASMA Description विवरण Description Pharmacology        :     Antiflatulent, digestive, carminative and analgesic Indications        :   Indications, flatulence, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, belching , gastritis and hyperaciduty Dosage                   :      120 to 240 mg in the morning and eveningor as directed by the […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

MUKTASHUKTI BHASMA Description विवरण Description Pharmacology   :   Expectorant, cardiac tonic , antacid, antispasmodic and styptic Indications      :    Indigestion, abdominal pain and palpitation. As a natural calcium supplement during dentition , childhood , pregnancy andduring the treatment of osteoporosis. It is also useful in cold , cough andrespiratory problems Dosage         […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

KAPARDICA BHASMA Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

KUKKUTANDTWAK BHASMA Description विवरण Description विवरण

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

GODANTI BHASMA Description विवरण Description Pharmacology   :     Antacid, alteractive and tonic Indications     :  Acute fever, recommended in typhoid, malaria and pneumonia  for symptomatic  relief Dosage               :   120 to 360 mg in the morning and evening with honey or as directed by the physician Packing                :  […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

BANG BHASMA Description विवरण Description Pharmacology     :   Diuretic and urinary antiseptic Indications         :   Recommended in ascites, hypertension, oedema and urine retention Dosage             :  120 to 240mg to be taken in the morning and evening with buttermilk or as directed  by the physician Packing               : 5  g Diet    […]

December 26, 2021 0 Comments

ABHRAK BHASMA Description विवरण Description Pharmacology    :  Haematinic, restorative, anti- diabetic  and vitaliser Indications         : General weakness , chronic fever,  diabetes ,respiratory ailments  restlessness and  anaemia . It also improves vigour and vitality Dosage              :   for 5 to 10 years : 120 mg for 11 to 25 years : 240 mg and above 25 […]