STONWIN syrup is useful for kidney stone, blood in urine, burning in urine, stone, urinary tract and other diseases.
Other specifications
STONWIN syrup has conquered kidney stone, hardening of urethra, enlarged bladder with urine and gas, and other diseases.
Why should use it?
The use of STONWIN syrup is very important for the treatment of diseases like increased amount of sugar in the blood and body, hyperactivity of the bladder, urinary tract infection, burning in urine , kidney infection, fall in hemoglobin level.
स्टोनविन सीरप
अश्मरी (पथरी), मूत्रकच्छ, मूत्रदाह, मूत्र रूक-रूक कर आना एवं अश्मरीजन्य विभिन्न उपद्रवों में लाभकारी है। यह वृक्क, मूत्राशय एवं मूत्रवाहिनयों की क्रियाओं को सुधारकर सशक्त बनाता है। यह उत्तम मूत्रल भी है।