Acidity, colic, burning sensation of chest and stomach, vomiting and colic are anti-inflammatory.
Other Specifications
ACIRAJ SYRUP is specifically an anta-acid. This tablet cures for basic issues such as thoracic area, agitation or irritation, flatulence & non-ulcer dyspepsia, vomiting, as well as provides instant relief for acidity indigestion and constipation.
What conditions require ACIRAJ Syrup?
High stomach acid causes Rebound acid hyper secretion, Elliison Syndrome, Helicobacter pylori infection, Gastric Outlet obstruction and others. In such situations, ACIRAJ syrup is a beneficial and disease- removing remedy.
No doubt, ACIRAJ syrup eliminates those symptoms of acid reflux and gas which further leads to other stomach ailments. ACIRAJ syrup is prepared by the combination of major medicines like Nishoth, Clove, and others that gives life to the patient by curing the acidity of the stomach. To get a quick result, take this syrup regularly and you will live stress free life.
Eating excessive food affects both our hearts and mind, due to which it is possible develop irritability, angry nature, that’s why ACIRAJ syrup is 100% ayurvedic remedy that gives you relief by fighting the side effects of food continuously.
ऐसीराज सीरप
अम्लपित्त (एसिडीटी), परिणामशूल, छाती व पेट की जलन विबन्ध वमन व उदरशूल नाशक है।
ऐसीराज सीरप विशेषकर अम्ल पित्त (।बपकपजल)नाशक है।
उरःप्रदेश में जलन , अरति ,वमन नाशक है। अम्लोद्धार से कंठ प्रदेश तक दाह होता है,नेत्र सजल हो जाते है एवं भोजनोत्तर शीघ्र उदर में भारीपन आ जाता है। ऐसी अवस्था में यह हितावह एवं रोग नाशक है। परिणाम शूल व अन्नद्रव शूल में भी हितकर है। निशोथ, लौंग आदि प्रमुख औषधियों के योग से निर्मित ऐसीराज सीरप उदर की अम्लता को नष्ट कर रोगी को जीवन दान देता है।